17 February 2016

There's always pizza.

Last weekend my beautiful used-to-be-stepsister-but-I-just-call-her-my-sister Märta was in London for a Valentines weekend with her boyfriend Gabbe. Me and Märta's parents were together for 10-ish years so we grew up together. The love between our parents are over but the love between us remains :')

This is what I wore when we went out for dinner in Notting Hill one evening. They came straight from a Chelsea game so I kind of assumed I'd be overdressed but Märta had a dress with her in her bag - trooper!

Anyhow the three of us went to a great Italian restaurant called The Oak (tip!). Lloyd couldn't join us as he had a trial that night in a super fancy cocktail bar, but said he might join in later for drinks. First of all I can really recommend the Antipasti board at this place. You get all the usual cured meats and trimmings like prosciutto, bresaola, salami, caper berries and feferoni, but under this pile of meat is also a cinnamon poached pear. Amazing! And I know my antipasti boards.

We had a lovely dinner, drinks, chats and laughs and then Lloyd calls - he's done and wants to join. He's starving. So I see how long the kitchen is open for (8 minutes) and tell Lloyd to grab in an Uber and I'll order a pizza for him for when he gets here. I have a look at the menu again; HERR ÅBER! One Diavola please, my boyfriend is joining us.

Now. Let's take a moment and look at the picture above. So I've googled the right thing AND the website on the bottom part is the correct one. The address in between is wrong. I'm sending Lloyd across town to the wrong restaurant. After a trial at a really fancy place where he was wearing a waistcoat. A waistcoat! Poor fella.

The moment I realised (when he called me, walking around in the cold trying to find this bloody restaurant) I just stared at my phone and interrupted Märta and Gabbe with an OH-OH......

Lloyd got annoyed - I felt horrible. Luckily there's only one thing that could have saved that situation once I got home. A Diavola in a take away box.

So remember - there's always pizza.

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