3 January 2016

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!
2016 is here my friends and it feels good.

Me and Lloyd were invited to one of my best friends' flat for a 3 course meal and drinks (Isn't it weird how we divide our friends into only two categories by the way; we have the "one of my best friends" and the less important "a friend". You don't want to classify or rank your best friends so they all end up in the same category. But the gap between those guys and the "friends" are quite big. And there's usually a big difference between people in the "one of my best friends" group as well. Anyone know what I mean?!). Long parentheses there but sometimes those are needed.

The night consisted of great food that we ordered from Kajsa Warg (recommended!) and heaps of prosecco and red wine, drinking games and dancing. Both me and Lloyd had such a great night and it reminded me of never EVER ever going out on new years eve again.

Thank you again booboo Elin (and Johannes) for having us <3 (one of my best friends)

Played 'Who am I" where three ppl had Kanye West and two Obama haha....
A bunch of pretty girls and Lloyd. And Johannes. No complaints there.
NYE countdown excitement! And a sneak-peak of my new jacket.
Elin - drunk as a skunk before 22:00 :)

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